About the scheme

The payment card scheme is a simple method for our members to pay for training sessions without the need for cash.

It works by creating a direct debit mandate through a payment merchant called GoCardless. All money transfers are handled by GoCardless and all BBDRC members are protected by the direct debit guarantee.

A short form on our website must also be completed along with the direct debit mandate.

Once you have successfully joined the scheme we will request the first payment of £20. A payment card will be issued which contains a unique barcode for each individual.

The payment card is then scanned when you attend training sessions. The cost of the session will be deducted from your account balance.

When your balance reaches £6 or lower a further request via direct debit will be made for the value of £20.

Note, This is not the same as membership, this is for the payment card only.

Frequently asked questions

Any member of BBDRC can join the scheme.

No, it will not cost you anything to be part of the scheme.

GoCardless charges to use its service which is being subsidised by the club.

During the joining process you will have the option of receiving email updates.

We will do our best to send out emails containing balance information after training sessions. This does rely on the barcodes being processed directly after training, so there may be occasions when emails are not sent out.

You can always email the administrator of the scheme for a balance update on paymentscheme@blackdogs.run

Note, These are currently not working properly, so you may not receive an email.

Yes, if you are not attending training sessions anymore.

You will need to cancel your direct debit via your bank or building society.

The club treasurer will then contact you to arrange a refund of any outstanding balances.

Yes, you will be scanned in the usual way.

Cards can be re-issued at a cost of £2.

Click “Join payment scheme” below.

Select “Replacement” at the top of the form.

Fill in your details as before.

Fill out the mandate only if your bank details have changed.

£2 will be deducted from your account when you collect your card.

Yes, when completing the form for the joining process, make sure you fill in the parkrun barcode section.

You can then use any parkrun card containing your barcode and your BBDRC card at parkrun.

The person scanning will add your name to the scans so that your session fee can still be deducted.

Please do not bring cash as it will not be accepted.

No, you will need to have a card each, but they can all be linked to the same bank account.

Apply for each one on a separate form.

We print your card as soon as possible after your application has been received.

Your card will be given to you at your next training session.

You can change your bank account details by completing a new direct debit mandate form.

Click on the Join link below and you will find details for the bank mandate at the top of the page.

You do not need to do the application form again unless any other details have changed.